Thursday, June 23, 2005

Long Overdue

I've had more than one comment trickle in that the pony pictures have got to go, or at least be removed from poll position. So, with very little energy for proper updates or commentary, I wanted at least to remind the few faithful visitors to this notebook that we are alive and well, surviving the rain season just fine, and growing used to the earthquakes.

Our guests have found new digs in Antigua among a group of other adoptive/fostering families, so the house has grown quiet without Lilli and the Deck’s around, whom we greatly miss. In their stead is a dog (Buddy, golden retriever pup) we agreed to look after while his owners are in Oregon for a few weeks. Buddy and Maya get on great, but they’ve begun digging deep and dangerous holes all over the yard, which Buddy likes to sleep in on his back. They’re at one another constantly, but it’s endearing. The downside is it’s double the shit I have to shovel and fling over the Great Wall into Sector B-1.

Well, I’ve officially agreed to teach at the Christian Academy of Guatemala this fall—English and World History, so start praying now the rest of the summer will be enough time for me to bone up on everything I’ve forgotten about both subjects.

Hoping to make it back to the glorious mid-west this summer. Stay tuned.


Blogger Doug Fields said...

D -

Beware of those dangling participles. BTW, high of 95 degrees with 100% humidity today. Midwest summers suck.


6:16 AM  

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